Blockbuster Tamil director Hari is set to present his next film, Yaanai, starring Arun Vijay in the lead role opposite Priya Bhavani Shankar from July 1 and the wait has indeed been a long one for fans of the filmmaker, who has delivered cult classic action hits like Saamy, Aaru, and Singam, to name a notable few. With the release around the corner, Hari recently sat down for an exclusive interview with Galatta and spoke about Yaanai, while also shedding light on the much-talked-about single-shot fight sequences in the film.
- Arun Vijay's Yaanai - NEW Power-Packed MASS Trailer is here! Watch it here!
- Watch the latest romantic promo from Arun Vijay's Yaanai | Priya Bhavani Shankar | Hari
- Catch the latest new romantic promo video from Arun Vijay's Yaanai | Priya Bhavani Shankar
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Hari, who has a penchant for delivering memorable action sequences in his films, opened up on what he's cooked up with stunt choreographer Anl Arasu in Yaanai and said, "It was quite challenging this time around because when you're coming up with single-shot fight sequences, you are required to keep everything in your mind based on a calculation. The actor (Arun Vijay) has to remember who will be coming up against him next and from which place, while also keeping in mind the properties they might be carrying, and this continues till the end of the scene. All this we did in quick time and the sequence also involved the efforts of the fighters, for whom I have great respect. Anl Arasu master would sit down with the hero and they would do the calculation for the fight scene together. Once this calculation is perfected, the execution will be right. If we miss even a single count in the calculation during the shooting of the sequence, we will have to go for one more take and this will in itself create a big pressure. There are two single-shot fight scenes in the film and both have been performed by Arun Vijay himself, who is the reason why I was able to finish shooting much quicker than we had initially planned. We had plans to shoot both the action scenes in five days, but we wrapped them within two days. We finished shooting one fight scene by around 4 p.m. and we shot another scene with Yogi Babu, who is also a part of the action. He plays the role of an angry youngster and will exhibit vexation at times apart from being the comedian."
Watch director Hari talk about Yaanai and more in the interview below: