Leading Tamil actor Arun Vijay's first film of 2022, the much-awaited Yaanai under blockbuster filmmaker Hari's direction, now has a new release date. The Yennai Arindhaal star took to social media on Thursday on the occasion of Tamil New Year and revealed that the upcoming mass action entertainer has been rescheduled from its initial May 6 release plan to June 17. Arun Vijay revealed the change in Yaanai's release has been taken upon after a request from distributors, with the actor also sharing a new intense poster from the film, which has been produced under the Drumsticks Productions banner and is being presented by KKR Cinemas. Check out Arun Vijay's Yaanai release date announcement below:
- Watch the electrifying teaser of Arun Vijay and director Hari's YAANAI | Priya Bhavani Shankar | GV Prakash
- Priya Bhavani Shankar shares a new interesting update on Arun Vijay's Yaanai!
- Arun Vijay shares latest update on his next film Yaanai | Director Hari | Priya Bhavani Shankar
- Arun Vijay and director Hari kick-off Yaanai third schedule | Priya Bhavani Shankar | GV Prakash
Humbled to announce the change of release date upon distributors request..#Yaanai 🐘 all set to rule the screens from this June 17th in cinemas.#YannaifromJune17@arunvijayno1 #DirectorHARI @DrumsticksProd @priya_Bshankar @realradikaa YogiBabu?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@iYogibabu @gvprakash @thondankani pic.twitter.com/HtByHpPJ0U
— ArunVijay (@arunvijayno1) April 14, 2022
There is quite a lot of hype and the early buzz surrounding Yaanai is also positive considering the film marks the big comeback of director Hari after his Saamy 2 in 2018. The film is incidentally the first-time collaboration for Arun Vijay with the hit filmmaker, who has also written the story, screenplay, and dialogues and will be looking to come out all guns blazing in delivering a solid commercial potboiler. Yaanai is also the second time Arun Vijay is paired opposite youth sensation Priya Bhavani Shankar after their 2020 film Mafia and the duo will want to hit the bullseye on this occasion.
Apart from Arun Vijay and Priya Bhavani Shankar, Yaanai has an incredible ensemble cast that has Radikaa Sarathkumar, Samuthirakani, Thalaivasal Vijay, Imman Annachi, Ammu Abhirami, Yogi Babu, Pugazh, Rajesh, Jayapalan, Bose Venkat, Rama, Aishwarya among others, with the technical team featuring names like chart-buster composer G. V. Prakash Kumar, cinematographer Gopinath, and editor Anthony. Yaanai has been announced to also be coming out in Telugu under the title Enugu and it will be refreshing to witness Arun Vijay amidst a full-fledged rural backdrop, with the film's intense and action-packed teaser released receiving strong feedback.