Malayalam superstar Dulquer Salmaan will be celebrating his birthday this week on July 28 and is set to treat his fans this year in a special way with the release of the first single from his next big film, King of Kotha. The actor is also featured in the independent song 'Heeriye' sung by Jasleen Royal, who is best known for 'Ranjha', 'Jahaan Tu Chala', 'Nachde Ne Saare', and 'Kho Gaye Hum Kahan', which was released on Wednesday. With 'Heeriye' also featuring vocals by Bollywood singer Arijit Singh receiving a terrific response, one fan on Twitter queried Dulquer for appearing in the video song and requested him to do more films across all major languages. The fan’s tweet read, "Bro yen bro video song ellam panringa?! Padathula innum adhigama nadinga bro! Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada nu innum neraiya South padangal pannunga thalaivarey!🙏 (sic)" When translated to English, it read, " Bro why are you acting in video songs? Act in more films bro! Do more Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and many South Indian films thalaivarey!"
Addressing the fan about featuring in the romantic 'Heeriye' song, Dulquer gave a heartwarming response and wrote, "Respect all mediums and all formats of art. End of the day I’ll be a part of anything original. Irrespective. Neengalum ungalukku pudicha velaiya ungalukku pudicha vidhathila pannunge. Experience thaane vaazhkai. Athile perisu chinnathu-nu onnum illai. I’ll cherish the experience of this music video and the people I worked with for life. I’m richer from it. We live once. The people and experiences are what we’ll take with us. All the best bro ! (sic)" Upon translation, the actor's statement in Tamil reads, "You too do the work you love in the way you like to do. After all, experience is what life is all about. There's nothing big or small as such in it."
Respect all mediums and all formats of art. End of the day I’ll be a part of anything original. Irrespective. Neengalum ungalukku pudicha velaiya ungalukku pudicha vidhathila pannunge. Experience thaane vaazhkai. Athile perisu chinnathu-nu onnum illai. I’ll cherish the experience…
— Dulquer Salmaan (@dulQuer) July 26, 2023
Dulquer’s pleasing response once again shows his love for various art forms but also displayed his passion for venturing into new and unique endeavors. Over the years, the actor has headlined several films in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi languages apart from reigning at the top in Malayalam cinema. Some of his notable films in other languages in recent years include Vaayai Moodi Pesavum (2014), O Kadhal Kanmani (2015), and Kannum Kannum Kollaiyadithaal (2020) in Tamil, followed by Mahanati (2018) and Sita Ramam (2022) in Telugu, and Karwaan (2018) and Chup: Revenge of the Artist (2022) in Hindi. As for his upcoming films, Dulquer will be seen in King of Kotha releasing this August on the auspicious occasion of Onam in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada languages. He will also begin shooting for his next biggie under Vaathi fame Venky Atluri's direction for the tentatively titled Production 24 this October. The film is being produced by Sithara Entertainments in association with the Fortune Four Cinemas banner, which is scheduled to open in cinemas as a summer 2024 release.