Thangalaan is the next big film of actor 'Chiyaan' Vikram with the iconic director Pa. Ranjith. Studio Green which is co-producing the film with Ranjith's Neelam Productions has shared an exciting new making glimpse from the film and announced that the shooting is happening at a brisk pace. Sharing the 13-second long video, the makers said “Something exceptional in the making! Amidst intense and trellis efforts, Thangalaan shoot in full swing”. The video begins showing actor Vikram in the make up chair, getting ready in a new raw and rustic look for the film with a huge beard. It then shows war scenes being filmed by many junior artistes and ends with a shot of Vikram walking which was featured in an extended making video of the film.
- "When you're playing a character which needs...": Malavika Mohanan reveals her biggest challenge in 'Chiyaan' Vikram's Thangalaan
- Pa. Ranjith reveals an interesting update about Thangalaan at Maamannan audio launch - WATCH VIDEO
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Something exceptional in the making!
Amidst intense and tireless efforts, #Thangalaan shoot is in full swing 🌀
Brace yourself!⚡@Thangalaan @chiyaan @beemji @kegvraja @StudioGreen2 @officialneelam @parvatweets MalavikaM_?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MalavikaM_ @PasupathyMasi @DanCaltagirone @thehari___…— Studio Green (@StudioGreen2) June 28, 2023
Thangalaan has created huge excitement among fans and movie buffs as it's the massive project of director Pa. Ranjith after Sarpatta Parambarai and Natchathiram Nagargirathu. The film has 'Chiyaan' Vikram with Malavika Mohanan, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Pasupathy, Madras fame Hariharan, Muthu Kumar and English actor Daniel Caltagiron in pivotal roles. Popular Malayalam actress Parvathy Thiruvothu announced that she has wrapped up filming her part of the film recently and opened up about her experience filming the movie. Yesterday, The English actor Daniel Caltagiron also announced that he is wrapping up his part of filming with a selfie from his seat in a plane. He said "Posting at 45000 ft, The End. Will miss you all very much! #Thangalaan”.
Posting at 45000ft.
— Daniel Caltagirone (@DanCaltagirone) June 28, 2023
The End. Will miss you all very much!#Thangalaan
The recent updates show that Thangalaan is in the final stages of filming and that the shooting is happening in full swing. The filming of the movie was delayed slightly due to a spinal injury that 'Chiyaan' Vikram endured during rehearsals for the film. It will also have music composed by G.V. Prakash Kumar and it's the first time Pa. Ranjith is working with the national award-winning music composer. The new glimpse video also feature an intense BGM from the film.