Blockbuster filmmaker Venkat Prabhu's next film, Custody, is a Telugu-Tamil bilingual, and stars Naga Chaitanya and Krithi Shetty in the lead roles. In a video released officially by the makers of the upcoming film, we see Venkat Prabhu take a curtain call and announce the end of filming for Naga Chaitanya in Custody, who is seen joining the celebrations with Krithi Shetty and the entire crew. Custody produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi under the Srinivasaa Silver Screen banner and being presented by Pavan Kumar is scheduled to open in cinemas worldwide on May 12.
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The video starts off with Venkat Prabhu saying, "And Chay, you're released from our CUSTODY!", with Naga Chaitanya informing viewers, "Only to take you all into Custody on May 12th", and Krithi Shetty telling, "See you in Theatres!" The multi-starrer film will see Naga Chaitanya in the role of a police officer, while Krithi Shetty is playing his love interest, with the supporting cast featuring the likes of Arvind Swami, Sarathkumar, Priyamani, Sampath Raj, Premji, Vennela Kishore, Premi Vishwanath, among others in crucial roles. Watch the Custody shooting wrap video below:
#NagaChaitanya @chay_akkineni wraps up shooting for his upcoming film, #Custody! The film to release in theatres on May 12th!
— Srinivasaa Silver Screen (@SS_Screens) February 24, 2023
A @vp_offl HUNT💥#CustodyOnMay12@IamKrithiShetty @thearvindswami @ilaiyaraaja @thisisysr @srinivasaaoffl @realsarathkumar #Priyamani @SS_Screens
Custody has been creating a lot of buzz ever since it went on floors last year as it includes music by 'Isaignani' Ilaiyaraaja and Yuvan Shankar Raja, and their reunion for a collaboration once again after Vijay Sethupathi's Maamanithan has left fans super excited. The film also marks Venkat Prabhu's Telugu cinema debut and fans are looking forward to see him come out all guns blazing once again for his next big-screen theatrical treat after Maanaadu starring Silambarasan TR in 2021 and the 2022 adult black comedy Manmadha Leelai.