The production of 'Ulaganayagan' Kamal Haasan's Indian 2 under ace filmmaker Shankar's direction is progressing at a steady pace and the excitement continues to be huge even after several hurdles faced by the team ever since the highly-anticipated film went on floors in 2019. Featuring music composed by 'Rockstar' Anirudh Ravichander, the much-awaited multi-starrer also includes art director T. Muthuraj handling the production design of the ambitious film, which is expected to open in cinemas worldwide in 2024. With the promotional material so far unveiled for Kamal Haasan's Indian 2 raising anticipation among the fans, Muthuraj recently sat down with Galatta for an exclusive interview to talk about the film, while also talking about its delay.
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Speaking about how Kamal Haasan's Indian 2 has shaped up so far, Muthuraj said, "The production is progressing really well. It's going to be a mammoth film. You all will know when it comes out. Each schedule has been exciting. And, we have put a lot of work into the film." Opening up on the nearly four-year production of Indian 2, the subsequent gaps in between, and juggling its shooting along with other films, Muthuraj stated, "We all wanted to finish the film soon. It was depressing for us too that it had been put on hold in between. Suddenly, when we see the concepts of our film in other films, it feels a bit depressing. The only disappointment in a long-term film like this is just that one factor. And, that is why we're not talking anything about it anywhere. We want to complete the film soon, but the situation needs to be right. I am eagerly waiting to watch it on the big screen."
Watch art director T. Muthuraj talk about Indian 2 in the video below: