Blockbuster director Venkat Prabhu's next big film, Custody, starring Naga Chaitanya and Krithi Shetty in the lead roles is a Telugu-Tamil bilingual and is scheduled to open cinemas worldwide on May 12. The upcoming film has been carrying tremendous buzz right from the moment it rolled into production as it also includes music by 'Maestro' Ilaiyaraaja and 'Little Maestro' Yuvan Shankar Raja, and their reunion for a collaboration after Vijay Sethupathi's 2022 hit, Maamanithan, has left fans super excited. With a major chunk of production on Custody already completed and an intriguing and action-packed teaser unveiled a few weeks back, the highly-anticipated first single 'Head Up High' song video has now been released and is a musical treat from beginning to the end.
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Featuring vocals by Arun Kaundinya, Asal Kolaar, and Yuvan Shankar Raja to the lyrics written by Karunakaran and Shri Shivani VP for the Tamil version, the first single in Custody 'Head Up High' is a peppy number and will leave fans wanting to hit the dance floor. The foot-tapping beats in the song are a trademark of Yuvan's work over the years and the composer has once again packaged and delivered it in a fresh manner yet again. The Custody first single 'Head Up High' also gives fans a glimpse of Naga Chaitanya in his policeman avatar showing his dance skills and also emoting well to the song, which will undoubtedly scale the charts as the days go by.
Produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi under the Srinivasaa Silver Screen banner and being presented by Pavan Kumar, Custody is set to be yet another power-packed entertainer and the visuals so far have assured us that it will be yet another film to be enjoyed in theatres. The cop entertainer also includes in its ensemble cast Arvind Swami, Sarathkumar, Priyamani, Sampath Raj, Premji, Vennela Kishore, Premi Vishwanath, among others in crucial roles.
Watch the Custody first single 'Head Up High' song video below: