Karthik Subbaraj is a prominent filmmaker in the Tamil film Industry who recently did the acclaimed film Mahaan starring Vikram in the lead role. The next film of the director is Jigarthanda Double X, the second installation of the hit film starring Siddharth and Bobby Simha in the lead role. The sequel looks like an entirely new story with S.J. Suryah and Raghava Lawrence in the lead role. The film has created a huge excitement and the makers have now announced an exciting update about the film. A new glimpse video from the film has now been released. It shows a person sitting in a chair in front of a theatre door and shows it could be set in a period of 70s or 80s. The video does not reveal the face of the person sitting on the chair but ends by showing the release date of the film. They have announced that the film will release in theatres this Diwali. The film is to release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi.
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Jigarthanda Double X is produced under the banner Stone Bench Films and will have music composed by Santhosh Narayanan and Cinematography by Thirunavukkarasu. The film was announced in December 2022 with an intriguing teaser with Raghava Lawrence and S. Surya in different new retro looks. The teaser created huge excitement for fans about the film. The music composer for the film Santhosh Narayanan is celebrating his birthday today. Jigarthanda was a memorable album of the composer and he has collaborated with Karthik Subbaraj in many films including his recent film Mahaan. So, it is no doubt this will be another hit album.
The actor S.J. Surjah has many interesting projects in hand including Mark Antony in which he is set to share screen space with actor Vishal. Raghava Lawrence’s recent film Rudhran was released recently and has an interesting line up including Chandramukhi 2 which is a sequel to the hit Rajinikanth starrer flick.