Samantha is using Lindsay?

A friend close to Lindsay Lohan believe that Samantha Ronson is�using their relationship�for her�financial gain. Apparently, the young DJ has hiked her fee per gig from 1,500 dollars to as much as 25,000 dollars which means she has made close to 3 million dollars just this year! “While Sam never contractually agrees that Lindsay will show up�at her shows, promoters, owners and publicists all know that if you book Sam, there’s a high likelihood Lindsay will also show. Sam’s now asking for a lot more money to spin, and she’s getting it easily,” the friend said.

But a good pal to Samantha was immediate to respond, saying, “Samantha doesn’t need Lindsay to make money. She’s always had money, and relied more on her famous DJ brother Mark for getting gigs booked. In fact, Sam made Lindsay hot again!”