CV Kumar, under the banner Thirukumaran Entertainment, is known for choosing path-breaking projects that changed the course of Tamil Cinema. He has launched film-makers since his first venture Attakathi with Pa Ranjith as director. The production house continued to launch promising talents like Karthik Subbaraj with Pizza, Nalan Kumarasamy with Soodhu Kavvum, P Ramesh with Thegidi, Ramkumar with Mundasupatti, R Ravikumar with Indru Netru Naalai and so on. The producer had also turned director for two films including Maayavan and Gangs of Madras that became critically acclaimed. He has occasionally shared some glimpses of his personal life on social media and recently shared picture with his wife.
The producer made a post on his Instagram profile dedicated to his wife on their 21st wedding anniversary. He posted an image of himself with his wife leaning in at what-seems-like a restaurant. C.V. Kumar said in the caption of the post “I am successful not only because of my talent or skill, it’s because of this women’s support. In my 20 years of successful marriage, she gave me the fullest support even in my grave situation". He went on to say addressing his wife saying she was the one who made him successful just like his parents. "Without you I will be nothing and nowhere in this Universe". The producer then wished his wife "happy wedding anniversary my better half. I owe you lot”.
The banner of CV Kumar has an exciting line-up of films including Pizza 3, Titanic: Kadhalum Kavundhu Pogum, and Indru Netru Naalai. His third directorial venture titled Kottravai is also in the pipeline for release. A poster of his next project as director, that will be sequel to the Sci-fi film Maayavan, titled Maayavan - Reloaded was released on December 15, 2023.