Lyca Productions' next big film announcement will be made at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, the blockbuster production-distribution banner has informed fans on their social media pages. This latest update has sent Ajith Kumar's fans into a state of celebration, who are expecting the announcement to be about the Tamil actor's next big film, the tentatively titled AK 62. The film was announced last year in March, with Ajith said to be teaming up with director Vignesh Shivan for the first time and Anirudh Ravichander scoring the music once again after Vivegam. Although Lyca Productions' latest announcement doesn't hint to be much about AK 62, there is a strong buzz that it is going to be about the Ajith film.
Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day 🤩✨
Keep guessing it, while we come up with a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT at 10:30AM tomorrow! 🤗#LycaProductions 🌟— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) March 1, 2023
There has been massive buzz surrounding Ajith's AK 62 ever since it was announced, including a talk about Vignesh Shivan stepping away from the film over the past few days, which is yet to be officially confirmed. It is also being speculated that director Magizh Thirumeni, who is best known for his films like Thadaiyara Thaakka, Meaghamann, Thadam, and last year's Kalaga Thalaivan, will be taking charge of the Ajith-starrer, which is expected to roll into production soon. As of now, all sights are set on Lyca Productions' announcement tomorrow, and we can be sure that Ajith's fans will be expecting it to be about AK 62.
Lyca Productions tasted massive success after acquiring the overseas distribution rights of Ajith Kumar's Thunivu, which received a fantastic response in several countries, including becoming the highest-grossing film in the actor's career in the U. S. Apart from AK 62, the hit production house also has in the pipeline several projects in various stages of development that include Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan: 2 scheduled for an April 28 worldwide release, Kamal Haasan's Indian 2 still being filmed, followed by Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth's Lal Salaam yet to begin production with 'Superstar' Rajinikanth set to appear in an extended cameo and the Arulnithi-starrer Thiruvin Kural. The prestigious production house also has an untitled project starring Yogi Babu and Vidaarth and another venture with Jai and Aishwarya Rajesh in the lead roles.