19-year-old Patrick, son of Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote on twitter, "Excuse my language. I apologize. Live and learn... hope everyone has a blessed day."

Looks like the teen was referring to the recent incident that he faced at The Sayers Club in Hollywood, on Saturday night. We hear that the teen got into a fight with Dj Anthony Valdez who was mixing gear and asked the boy to move away. In anger, Patrick began to throw ice cubes on him and was eventually thrown out of the club by the security. We also hear, that the young boy had used a fake id to get into the club.

It didn't stop there. Standing out the club, he began to complain to another friend and said, "Everyone around me wants to beat the f**k out of the DJ... [it sounds like Patrick says 'gay boy']... I'll beat the f**k out of him."

Arnold however, has been unavailable to comment on this incident.