Popular Tamil actor Kavin's next film STAR was announced earlier this week under Pyaar Prema Kaadhal fame Elan's direction and will feature songs and a background score composed by celebrated music director Yuvan Shankar Raja. With production already underway at a steady pace, a special promo has been released Thursday, August 31, on the happy occasion of Yuvan's birthday giving audiences a glimpse into what awaits them on the big screen and on the musical front.
The STAR promo starts off with a powerful introduction for Kavin walking with a script book, which carries writer J. M. Storm's quote, "The universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart." We see him standing on what appears to be a film set that resembles a desolated factory-like place and lights then turning on all of a sudden after which he is shown to be looking far ahead amidst the backdrop of a street. The STAR promo also features Kavin in various montage shots taking a photo of himself and looking at the mirror while seated on his makeup chair. This featurette is motivating from start to finish and reveals that the story will most likely be centered on the journey of an aspiring filmmaker, with Yuvan Shankar Raja delivering the icing on the cake with a short rendition of a song in the film.
STAR is jointly being produced by Sreenidhi Sagar's Rise East Entertainment and B. V. S. N. Prasad's Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra banners and was announced shortly after the Bigg Boss Tamil season 3 star married his girlfriend Monicka David last week. Expectations are high for the upcoming film as it is also the next in Kavin's lineup after the phenomenal box office and critical response of his Dada released earlier this year. It is to be noted that the actor also has an untitled film in production apart from STAR that is being directed by choreographer Sathish Krishnan, who is making his filmmaking debut under Raahul's Romeo Pictures banner featuring music by 'Rockstar' Anirudh Ravichander.
Watch Kavin's STAR movie special promo below: