Blockbuster Tamil film producer Kalaipuli S. Thanu's V Creations is ready with its next big film, Naane Varuvean, starring Dhanush in the lead role and has been directed by ace filmmaker Selvaraghavan along with music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Releasing worldwide in theatres on September 29, the buzz for the film has been massive as social media has been buzzing with a lot of noise about what the Dhanush, Selvaraghavan, and Yuvan trio have come up with this time. With only a day left for Naane Varuvean's release, producer Thanu recently sat down for an exclusive interview with Galatta to speak about what fans can expect in the film, while also talking about the film trade and how the box collections are calculated. 

When asked about how the box office collections are calculated and the role of theatre owners and distributors, Kalaipuli S. Thanu said, "We receive mail after a show is over. After we do the complete estimation, we will know." Explaining further about the process, the hit producer added, "They will inform us about the total gross in each and every area. Nowadays, the collection is gross and is not the share. For example, if you get one crore, 26 lakhs will go away as tax, while the remaining 74 lakhs will be net earnings. In this nett., 50 percent will go to the distributor and the theatre owner. Some will fix it at 60 percent, 65 percent, 70 percent, 75 percent, and so on. It will come within that ratio and is nothing else the total gross." 

Kalaipuli S. Thanu will be looking to hit the bullseye once again and this time with Naane Varuvean, which marks the reunion of Dhanush, Selvaraghavan, and Yuvan Shankar Raja after more than a decade. The film also has in its star cast Meyaadha Maan fame Indhuja Ravichandran, who is making her first big appearance after playing a footballer in 'Thalapathy' Vijay's 2019 blockbuster Bigil. Naane Varuvean will mark Swedish-Greek actress Elli AvrRam’s big screen debut in Tamil cinema, while veteran actor Prabhu and comedian Yogi Babu, including Selvaraghavan are appearing in pivotal roles. 

Watch Kalaipuli S. Thanu’s interview below: