Katie Holmes enjoys motherhood

Katie Holmes insists that being a mom has made her stronger and wiser,�adding that extra element of joy to her life. "Motherhood has been the most amazing experience – in an instant you become strong. You have to be a little bit wiser; it's the most important job in the world," says Katies, who has a two-year-old daughter, Suri, with Hollywood super star Tom Cruise.

But she also adds that the first few days were tough. "During the first couple of days with Suri, we would just sleep right next to her to make sure she was breathing. And I was constantly learning on the job, but Tom was very helpful and supportive."

Media reports�suggesting that Suri was purely fictional, created by the couple just for publicity, affected Katie a great deal, and rightly so. "Some people said such absolutely horrible things�about a child. It was so uncalled for and so disgusting. Enough is enough," she says, adding that in those trying times Tom was her pillar of support. "We were changing diapers. He said, 'I don't want you to get upset.' And I said, 'Well, I am upset.' So we approached it together." And when she read such things, she wished she could tell them,"Why don't you come over and have dinner? See what there is to see."

But now they are well past that and Suri has in fact become one the media’s most favourite celebrity kids. Is there another one in the offing? With a twinkle in her eyes she says, "I'm not pregnant right now."