Kajal Aggarwal is pregnant and is expected to deliver her first baby in the next few months. The star actress got married to her best friend, Gautam Kitchlu and the wedding happened on October 30 and there has been no look back since then. At the beginning of this year, the couple announced the happy news about pregnancy and it made the fans delightfully happy. Having said that, Kajal Aggarwal's latest photoshoot flaunting her baby bump has taken social media by storm, catching the attention of the fans instantly. Kajal Aggarwal shared three pictures from the shoot and they have turned viral.

Kajal Aggarwal looks elegant and beautiful in these pictures and it has served as a treat for the fans. A few weeks back, Kajal Aggarwal's statement on pregnancy had garnered attention on social media and she received a lot of support from prominent celebrities from the industry. On the acting front, Kajal Aggarwal's last release was the recent Dulquer Salmaan - Aditi Rao Hydari starrer Hey Sinamika, directed by Brinda Master. Kajal played the character of 'Malarvizhi' in this film. Kajal Aggarwal's next release will be Acharya, the Chiranjeevi starrer which is set to hit the screens on April 29. Kajal plays the female lead in this film which has Ram Charan and Pooja Hegde in pivotal roles. Acharya is directed by blockbuster filmmaker Koratala Siva.

Kajal has multiple other films that are in different stages of production and the list includes Karungaapiyam, Ghosty, Uma, and Paris Paris. Among the lot, Paris Paris has been long-delayed due to various financial constraints. The film is the official Tamil remake of the Hindi film, Queen. Kajal Aggarwal is also a part of Kamal Haasan's Indian 2, directed by Shankar. However, the current status of Indian 2 is not known.


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