Juhi: from Draupadi to Sita

Looks like Juhi Chawla has a close connection with mythological characters. In the beginning of her career, she was offered the role of Draupadi in B.R. Chopra's mega serial Mahabharat. But she opted out of the serial when she was offered Mukul Anand's Sultanat. The role finally went to Rupa Ganguly and the rest is history.

Juhi went on to become one of the most successful actresses on Bollywood but she does regret that she could not play the role of Draupadi. But life has come full circle now since she is dubbing for Sita in the animation film Ramayana being made by Chetan Desai. Calling herself a mixture of Sita and Draupadi, Juhi is happy that she has got an opportunity to lend her voice to one of the most revered female icons of India.