Jackson Durai is a hilarious horror comedy film that featured the father-son duo Sathyaraj and Sibiraj. A sequel for the film was announced in February, helmed by the same director who made the first film, P.V. Dharanidaran. The makers of the project have revealed an exciting glimpse of the film on social media handles now. The poster shows versatile actor Sathyaraj as an officer during the pre-independence period and shows Sibi Sathyaraj as a commoner mounted on a horse in the background. The first look shows the film will mark the massive milestone of being the 250th film of the versatile actor Sathyaraj. The makers have revealed it with the caption "Jackson: The Monster."
JACKSON - The Monster 🔥
— SriGreen Productions (@SriGreen_Offl) August 3, 2023
The Second Chapter
A P.V.Dharanidharan Film
Produced by
Sri Green Productions
I Dream Studios@Sibi_sathyaraj#Sathyaraj@samyukthavv@Dharanidharanpv@SriGreen_Offl#IdreamStudios pic.twitter.com/acCLcIWKvB
Jackson Durai: The Second Chapter is to be bank-rolled by Sri Green Productions and I Dream Studios. The makers shared the poster in Tamil, Telugu, and English, which shows the film could release in these languages. The glimpse creates an intrigue for viewers. The movie will have music composed by Siddharth Vipin, who also composed music for the first installment of the film, cinematography by Kalyan Venkatraman and Safiq Mohammed Ali as editors. In the initial announcement, the makers shared that the film would also feature Samyuktha as the female lead.
The first installment of Jackson Durai became famous because it had a different flavour, though horror comedy is not a new genre in the Tamil film industry. The film also featured many comedy and character artists, including Karunakaran and Motta Rajendram, and was a laugh riot. Jackson Durai: The Second Chapter shows it will be bigger this time. The makers have not revealed many details about the project. As the first look at Jackson has now been revealed, other updates about the characters in the film and release date are expected to drop soon. The latest announcement shows the film can be expected to be released in multiple languages.