The countdown has begun for Bigg Boss Tamil season 7 and Vijay Television has kicked off the promotions. On Friday, August 25, the leading Tamil broadcasting channel released a new promo featuring Kamal Haasan once again, but this time in dual roles. We see one Kamal Haasan make the announcement and build the hype for the upcoming edition of Bigg Boss, with his doppleganger talking in Madras slang, thus showing us once again that he is called 'Ulaganayagan' by the masses for a reason. The new Bigg Boss Tamil 7 promo proceeds to the buildup of more exciting action, with Kamal Haasan dropping in a big surprise towards the end.
The Bigg Boss Tamil season 7 promo goes on to reveal that there will be two houses that will be featured during the show's 100-day run instead of one. This makes it the first time that contestants will be entering two houses in the show's history after the past six seasons featured only a single house. This latest change in the proceedings of the Bigg Boss house will no doubt be an interesting factor and it now remains to be seen how the drama unfolds in both households once the show begins airing in the days ahead, with an official announcement on the launch date awaited.
Bigg Boss Tamil season 7 marks the seventh continuous time Kamal Haasan will be serving as the host and fans will no doubt be waiting to witness his witty comebacks and life anecdotes once the show is launched on Vijay TV and leading streaming platform Disney+ Hotstar Tamil. There's considerable hype surrounding the show's new edition as several notable names as contestants are already floating on social media and the wait is now on to see who will be entering the two houses in Bigg Boss Tamil 7. Watch Kamal Haasan in the new exciting Bigg Boss Tamil season 7 promo below: