Bhagyaraj reinventing himself

Bhagyaraj may not have launched his son Shanthanoo, but that does not mean daddy dearest would not come to the rescue after the independent debut did little for the youngster's career. Shanthanoo made his acting debut with Sakkarakatti, but due to various factors, the movie did not do too well, and the young hero has been waiting on the sidelines for a good script. He can't afford another bad choice, because the competition in the film industry is too steep to make a hasty decision.

With a father famous for his ace scripts with the right blend of wit and moral phillosophies, its quite natural that the aspiring star got daddy on board for movie number 2. In the direction of Bhagyaraj, Shantanoo's next movie is called Siddhu Plus 2 First attempt. “All parents are anxious about their children’s education because they believe a good education will help their kids lead a happy life. This movie is about a guy who can’t study and is on the verge of giving up trying, when he realizes he has a latent talent. The message I’m trying to convey is that parents and teachers must guide children properly, understanding that each child is different and has his own innate skill and ability,” says Bhagyaraj about this movie.

The message is a good one and given the number of suicides by children who don't perform well in competitive exams, the movies comes at a good time. But will Bhagyaraj manage to captivate the audience of today while also feeding them such a message? “I am trying to reinvent myself by making movies for this generation. Audiences have changed from the 80s and 90s. I wrote scripts for family audiences then. Today, cinema is like fast food; it has to be quick and entertaining. The youth today want films to be realistic. Meldodrama does not work these days. If you want to give a hit, you got to go by a commercial format. I have written Siddhu... keeping all this in mind,” he says, in his own profound way.