Prabhu Deva's long-awaited Bagheera directed by Trisha Illana Nayanthara fame Adhik Ravichandran is all set for its grand release on March 3. With promotions already underway, Prabhu Deva explained the process he had to undergo for his various looks in the film, while also talking about how Adhik convinced him for the lady getup. He explained, "When I first heard about it, it felt easy. But, when I had to transform into that character, there lied the challenge. You can put up several getups, but it all ultimately comes down to how you justify that. It was both challenging and interesting to me. All of this felt new. I thought about how that character, if ever real, would portray all these roles differently, and did the same."
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Upon being asked how he convinced Prabhu Deva that his name in the Bagheera trailer would appear as Prabhu Devi, director Adhik Ravichandran said, "In the beginning, when I told master (Prabhu Deva) that he would have to shave his head completely, he said makeup is enough. I figured out that it'll be difficult to ask him to do that and didn't pursue in the first and second schedules. After that, master said he'll shave his head completely because it was a torture to put on the makeup since it would take 3-4 hours and it would end up looking patchy and itch a lot. The big highlight for us was that master had never shaved his beard before. But, we made him shave his hair and beard completely. For the lady character, one night, I got an idea and went to his place to ask him and requested him to do it. He eventually agreed and we designed his look and gave him clothes for his character. Up until that day, everyone would be outside the set, but when they came to know that master was coming in a lady getup, everyone assembled inside the set."
Watch Prabhu Deva and Adhik Ravichandran talk about Bagheera in the video below: