Arundhati reigns supreme in 16 theatres

Released�in more than 16 theatres (in Chennai)�with 50 shows daily for a Telugu film dubbed in Tamil does not happen every day. That is the reason film pundits view Arundhati as an important milestone in South Indian cinema. In what is surely a rare phenomenon, the�Tamil version of Arundhati is popular as few other Telugu movies including Karthavyam (dubbed in Tamil as Vyajayanthi IPS) and Ankusham (dubbed in Tamil as Idhuthanda Police) have been. But when you consider video piracy distracting�cinemagoers – something scarce in the 80s and 90s when Idhuthanda Police and Vyjayanthi IPS were released – Arundhati’s successful run in�theatres is marvellous.

With Arundhati, Tollywood producer N. Radha and director Kodi Ramakrishna have put South India on a pedestal in the movie-making arena. Interestingly, Kodi Ramakrishna is the�director who gave Idhuthanda Police and another SFX marvel Amman (Tamil dubbed version of Ammoru). While Idhuthanda Police created history, Amman awed everyone with its special effects. Now, Arundhati is ready to eclipse all the previous records!

Do not miss this wonderful movie starring enchanting Anushka this weekend.