Actress Khushbu, has been a dreamgirl for many South Cinema fans, across decades. It is very well known that she is a very talented actress and a bold individual who voices her opinions on all social happenings. Khushbu Sundar is also a politician and highly active on social media. However, her recent statement has gotten herself into trouble. A leaked phone conversation of Khushbu with a producer has made the headlines today, her speech seems to degrade the integrity of the press fraternity. Here is what Khushbu said in the leaked audio - “Mainly, the press people will somehow find a way to visit the shooting spot, make sure that you don’t give them a chance to take a photo or video while filming because he (press) would be ready to tear us apart. The press doesn’t have any news right now apart from the COVID-19 stories. So, they are waiting for us to resume shooting to carry controversial stories against us. So please take care.” 
The actress in her defence said that the leaked audio footage is edited to tarnish her reputation. Khushbu added that it was a casual message I sent to the producer’s group which was edited and leaked to defame her. She has also apologized to the press for hurting their sentiment. Her statement reads as follows: 
“My voice message, an edited version, regarding the press is making rounds. It has gone from our producer's group n I am ashamed to say we have such cheap minds among us. My intentions were clear n not meant to disrespect the press. Its a tone you speak within friends. My respect for the press is for all to see and journalists can vouch for that. Not even once in my 34yrs of cinema they would have ever seen or heard me speaking to them nor about them in disrespect. The voice message is half. But my sincere apologies if I have hurt any of you. 
Very unfortunately you realize those who you work for are the ones who try and stab you behind your back. I know which producer has done this..but i shall not name them. My silence and forgiveness is their biggest punishment. There is lot more to be done and I shall continue (sic.)”