RJ Balaji's 2024 has kicked off on a bright note with his latest film, Singapore Saloon, turning out to be big success at the box office. Directed by Gokul of Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara (2013) fame, the family entertainer also stars veteran actors Sathyaraj, Lal, and 'Thalaivasal' Vijay alongside Meenakshi Chaudhary, Ann Sheetal, Kishen Das, John Vijay, Chinni Jayanth and Robo Shankar, among others in key roles, with blockbuster Tamil filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj and actor Jiiva making cameo appearances. With Singapore Saloon already a winner commercially, the makers on Thursday evening, February 1, dropped a surprise behind-the-scenes (BTS) making video giving viewers a glimpse into the fun and frolic on the sets, with RJ Balaji once again providing the big laughs for the cast and the crew.
Among the major highlights in the Singapore Saloon BTS video are the portions shot featuring Lokesh Kanagaraj and RJ Balaji seen filming a sequence where he has to give the hit Tamil film director a haircut. We also see the duo and the rest of the cast posing for a selfie, while some other visuals show the team, including kids, having an absolute blast on the sets. This latest Singapore Saloon BTS videos also gives a look at Gokul leading the way and coordinating with RJ Balaji, Sathyaraj, Lal, Kishen Das, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Ann Sheetal, and the rest of the cast members during filming, and the triumph of the film at the box office has once again spoken volumes about the Kaashmora director.
A special success meet for Singapore Saloon was also held in Chennai yesterday, which saw RJ Balaji, Gokul along with the cast and crew members participate and join in on the celebrations. The event also saw the film's producer Dr. Ishari K. Ganesh gift a gold chain to Gokul, while also revealing their plans to collaborate for a new project next. Watch the Singapore Saloon behind-the-scenes making video below:
Here is the Behind the scene video of @RJ_Balaji's #SingaporeSaloon which is running successfully in theatres !!
— Vels Film International (@VelsFilmIntl) February 1, 2024
Dir by @DirectorGokul, Prod by @VelsFilmIntl @IshariKGanesh
Music By @iamviveksiva @MervinJSolomon @javeddriaz
TN release by @RedGiantMovies_ @MShenbagamoort3… pic.twitter.com/jryMGEjVJM