Tamil filmmaker Mari Selvaraj attended a special event organized by Dhanush fans earlier today in Chennai. The hit director, who made heads turn with his Pariyerum Perumal (2018) and then teamed up with Dhanush for Karnan (2020), was recently announced to be joining hands with the two-time National Award-winning Tamil actor once again for the tentatively titled Production 15. Mari Selvaraj, who is awaiting the release of his next film, Vaazhai, revealed at the event today that he will begin work on the Dhanush project after completing his yet-to-be-titled sports venture with Dhruv Vikram.
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Speaking to media persons about the film, Mari Selvaraj said, "This project was planned much earlier. We weren't able to begin production due to a few unexpected reasons. It's a happy news that Dhanush sir is producing the film under his Wunderbar Films banner. That was an update even I didn't expect. As of now, I'm going to begin work on my film with Dhruv Vikram. Once that film gets completed, I will start Dhanush sir's project." He added, "This will be an important film in my cinema journey. It will be a big leap... and, it's the reason why I didn't start the film. It cannot be made immediately. It's a historical film and an important one. Even I had a fear as I felt I needed to become mature enough to make this film. I had to elevate myself and learn cinema for that. After Karnan, there will be big expectations as Dhanush sir and I are reuniting. Apart from fulfilling the expectations, I too have go to the next level. And, for that, I needed some time. Dhanush sir believes this is a big film and it will live up to his expectations."
Watch Mari Selvaraj talk about his next film with Dhanush in the video below: