With the announcement of the COVID-19 vaccines by a number of companies across the world, the UK and USA were among the first countries to give Emergency Use Approval for these vaccines to be administered to the public! As prioritised by almost all the countries, the aged and the frontline healthcare workers have been the first to receive the vaccines! The vaccination drive began first in the UK, following which it was approved in the USA too. The vaccine developed jointly by Pfizer-BioNTech, became the first COVID-19 vaccine to be approved for usage, after it showed 95% efficacy in its Phase 3 clinical trials against the Corona Virus.

Earlier, when the Head Nurse of a hospital passed out after getting a shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, it created quite a few ripples. Now, another such disturbing incident has come to light. Reports state that a California nurse, who had been given a shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine, has tested positive for the Corona Virus, a week after receiving the shot! A 45-year-old nurse from a Californian hospital had received a shot of the Pfizer vaccine, about a week back. However, when he was working in the COVID ward of a hospital, he started to develop symptoms of the Corona Virus and got sick. He had developed fatigue, muscle ache and chills.

Following the development of these symptoms, the nurse got tested for COVID-19 at a testing site in California, post Christmas. The results returned positive. This nurse is said to be working in two different hospitals and claimed that he had received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on December 18th! An expert on infectious diseases claims that this is not unexpected and that people who are administered the vaccine are asked to exercise caution in the first 10-15 days of receiving the vaccine, as they could contract the Corona Virus during this period, if they came in contact with any infected person. The first dose of the vaccine is said to provide 50% immunity while only after getting the second dose does the immunity goes up to 95%! This goes to show that even after being inoculated, it is necessary to follow all safety precautions for a time period!