Upasana Kamineni Konidela, wife of Telugu superstar Ram Charan, is the proud granddaughter of Dr. Prathap C Reddy, the founder of the Apollo Hospitals. She recently joined in on his 91st birthday celebrations in Chennai and also took part in the launch of his book, The Apollo Story. With the talk of the town being actor Vijay announcing the launch of his political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, Upasana has now in an exclusive interview with Galatta Ritz shared her thoughts about the leading Tamil superstar's big decision.
Declaring Vijay to be dynamic, Upasana extended her wishes saying, "Congratulations. That's so cool. I think it's just phenomenal. And, I think that it's great that he's conquered cinema and the people's hearts. Now, it's great to go ahead and serve. My father-in-law has done it. My uncle, Ram's uncle, Pawan Kalyan garu has also done it. And, I really think this is a great move. Listen, all your bigwigs CMs are from the films. So, I think, all the best and I'm sure Tamil Nadu needs a new change, and good things will happen. It's all about the youth now."
The news of Vijay, fondly addressed by his fans and followers as 'Thalapathy', entering politics has largely been met with excitement. The leading Tamil actor has also conveyed his gratitude for the wishes that have been coming his way. Vijay went on to inform that his political party will not be contesting in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections, but will rather make its electoral debut in the 2026 Tamil Nadu Assembly polls. Vijay, who is currently filming The Greatest of All Time, will be diving into politics full time after he completes Thalapathy 69 before the 2026 Tamil Nadu elections.
Watch Upasana talk about Vijay's political entry and more in the video below: