The first big words of praise for National Award-winning Tamil actor 'Chiyaan' Vikram's Dhruva Natchathiram are now out from hit director Lingusamy, who took to social media on Tuesday, November 21, to share his review after recently watching the final cut of blockbuster Gautham Vasudev Menon's upcoming espionage thriller. Having collaborated with Vikram in Bheemaa (2008), Lingusamy wrote on X praising the actor writing that his performance was cool in Dhruva Natchathiram, while also complimenting Gautham Menon on making the film's visuals in a class with the best.
Lingusamy posted, "Happened to see the final cut of #DhruvaNatchathiram in mumbai & it was just fantastic. well made, visuals on par with the best. @chiyaan was so cool & #vinayakan stole everything in the movie. huge cast & everyone were brilliant. @menongautham congrats brother, u along with @Jharrisjayaraj has given us one more gem in your combo. best wishes for a great release & a even bigger success." (sic) Lingusamy's appreciation for Dhruva Natchathiram has come as the highly-anticipated action film is gearing up for a grand opening in cinemas worldwide starting November 24 after several delays over the years.
Happened to see the final cut of #DhruvaNatchathiram in mumbai & it was just fantastic. well made, visuals on par with the best.@chiyaan was so cool & #vinayakan stole everything in the movie. huge cast & everyone were brilliant. @menongautham congrats brother, u along with…
— Lingusamy (@dirlingusamy) November 21, 2023
Dhruva Natchathiram has Vikram sharing screen space with several notable names in Tamil cinema among whom include Ritu Varma playing the female lead and Jailer fame Vinayakan appearing as the antagonist, with the ensemble cast featuring the likes of Radhakrishnan Parthiban, R Radikaa Sarathkumar, Simran, Divya Dharshini, Munna Simon, Vamsi Krishna, Salim Baig, Sathish Krishnan, and Maya S Krishnan, with Gautham Menon also set to be seen in key roles. There is also plenty of excitement surrounding the film as fans expect the GVM-Harris Jayaraj duo to once again live up to the reputation of their past successes. Despite the delays in Dhruva Natchathiram's release over the years, the enthusiasm for the 'Chiyaan' Vikram-starrer hasn't gone down one bit and Lingusamy's latest statement has only left fans even more thrilled.