Bollywood dance-drama film Street Dancer 3D had a big release last week and the movie received mixed reviews from fans. The movie is having a decent run at the theatres and the makers have kept the buzz with some high point promotions. As part of their promotions campaign, the makers have released the making video of the song Illegal Weapon 2.0 from the film. The song is a dance-off between the Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor. Illegal Weapon 2.0 is composed by Tanishk Bagchi, crooned by Jasmine Sandlas and Garry Sandhu and has lyrics penned by Priya Saraiya. Watch the full video of Illegal Weapon 2.0 below, Check out the full making video below,

Street Dancer 3D MovieStreet Dancer 3D MovieStreet Dancer 3D MovieStreet Dancer 3D Movie

Making Of Illegal Weapon 2.0 - Street Dancer 3D | Varun D, Shraddha K | Tanishk B, Jasmine S, Garry S

Apart from Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor, Street Dancer 3D also stars Nora Fatehi and Prabhu Deva in crusial roles. The film directed by Remo D'Souza is jointly produced by Bhushan Kumar, Divya Khosla Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Lizelle D'Souza under the banner of T-Series and Remo D'Souza Entertainment banners. Street Dancer 3D has music by the Sachin-Jigar.