With each passing day, the number of lives lost to the COVID-19 Novel Corona Virus Pandemic, is only rising in the world. The number of people testing positive for this deadly virus has been increasing exponentially. Tamil Nadu is one of the worst hit states in India and Chennai is the most affected district in the state. The number of people getting infected in Chennai has gone above 100 for 7 days and April 30th marked the highest number of patients infected in the City as well as the entire state. There are currently 6 containment zones within Chennai and they have been sealed off to the outside world. Efforts are being taken by the Government to ensure that the residents within this region are being given all the basic essentials and that their needs are met!

Now, the Chennai City Police has come up with yet another innovative idea! Earlier, the Tamil Nadu Police used drones to monitor areas under lockdown and the drones identified the violators. Now, the Police force has inducted robots to monitor the Containment Zone areas and this has been done to minimise the risk of infection to people! A latest report from the Police authorities states that this initiative has been commenced with the help of a private company, which has provided the robot. It sure is a great idea to reduce the risk of the Corona Virus spreading.

We urge all our readers, viewers and subscribers to follow all the government mandated guidelines and stay safe at home! Break the chain and flatten the curve!