The mutli-faceted star - Kamal Haasan, recently met the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama who was in the city, to launch the Abdul Kalam Seva Ratna Awards at the IIT Madras. The Buddhist leader who also delivered a lecture on human approach to world peace had a conversation with the Ulaganayagan. Though Kamal is an atheist, he is known to respect the ideologies of spiritual leaders.

When asked about the actor's conversation with Dalai Lama, the legendary actor told in a statement, "My lack of interest in nature's spiritual matters was matched by his disinterest in cinema. He has not watched even a single movie. Infact, not even television. Yet he opined that I could use my craft and medium to propagate the great philosophy offered to the world by India: Ahimsa." He also told his reply to Dalai Lama saying, "I confirmed my faith in Ahimsa and said that I will soon venture in that direction."