Lokesh Kanagaraj is a sought-after filmmaker in the Tamil film Industry. He has delivered back-to-back hits from his debut film Maanagaram and his second film was Kaithi with Karthi as lead. Master was also a blockbuster film with 'Thalapathy' Vijay as lead. The next film of the director was Vikram which broke box office records and was released last year. The director has collaborated with Vijay again for his next film Leo. Now, the director has released the title and the motion poster of one of his associate directors Venki, who has worked with him in Master and Vikram.
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All the best and congrats @Venki_dir one of my associate director and I wish him great success with his debut film 🔥congrats @actorsathish bro and the entire team 🔥https://t.co/r774f9S8YV@actorsathish SimranGupta?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SimranGupta @WCF2021 @vijaywcf @Venki_Dir @Vbrcomposer @iamyuvakarthick… pic.twitter.com/OslBUfSaBh
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) April 27, 2023
The film is titled Vithaikkaran with popular actor Sathish playing the lead. The exciting project is to be produced by White Carpet Films who produced Arulnithi starrer Dejavu. A motion poster was also released by Lokesh Kanagraj. It shows other important actors who are also a part of the film including Anandraj, Madusudhanan, Subramaniam Siva, John Vijay, Pavan Navegeeethan, Japan Kumar and the leading lady of the film, Simran Gupta, as chess piece on one side of the board. The video then shows Sathish animated as the king piece on the opposite side of the chess board. It then zooms out, to show Sathish in a suit looking intensely at the chess board. The title of the film also has the caption "The GOAT"(Greatest of All Time)
Vithaikkaran was launched with a Pooja ceremony on January 18. The film has music by VBR, Cinematography by Yuva Karthick, Editing by Arul E Siddharth, Art by G. Durairaj, and stunts by Stunner Sam as the technical pillars. Actor Sathish is a popular supporting actor and comedian who has acted alongside leading heroes. He turned lead with the film Naai Sekar which was released in 2022. The next film starring the actor was Oh My Ghost which also has released last year. Vithakkaran is the third film featuring the actor that has been announced