Tamil filmmaker Rathna Kumar released a new photo of himself and blockbuster director Lokesh Kanagaraj on social media on Monday, August 15. Sharing the picture on Twitter, the Gulu Gulu director posed a question to Lokesh asking him what he's been up to, while writing the numbers 1 to 10 and skipping 6 and 7 in the caption, thus hinting once again at the upcoming Thalapathy 67. It has been confirmed that Lokesh Kanagaraj is joining hands with 'Thalapathy' Vijay for the second time after their 2021 box office hit, Master, which also had Rathna Kumar writing the additional screenplay and the dialogues. Rathna too had sometime back confirmed his participation in Thalapathy 67 as a dialogue writer and it will be interesting to witness what he and Lokesh Kanagaraj have in store for fans up ahead. Check out the photo below:
- Karthi makes a big revelation about Kaithi 2 - check what he has said | Thalapathy 67
- Lokesh Kanagaraj's first official confirmation about Thalapathy 67 is here - VERA MAARI! Watch video here!
- Lokesh Kanagaraj's big announcement before Thalapathy 67 - fans get excited! Check Out!
- Lokesh Kanagaraj drops a big update about his next film and reveals announcement plans - WATCH VIDEO!
What's Cooking ?
1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣🎆🎆8️⃣9️⃣🔟 pic.twitter.com/FRfGXmYNgT— Rathna kumar (@MrRathna) August 15, 2022
The striking aspect of Rathna Kumar's tweet, which some noticed, is the use of fireworks emojis, and many speculate its relation with Thalapathy 67. While there are a few who are speculating that an announcement about the film will be made this Diwali, it remains to be seen what happens in the days ahead considering Vijay's Master had a formal pooja in October 2019 and a similar plan could be adopted for the upcoming venture as well. Thalapathy 67 has been the talk of the town for a few months now even though there has been no formal announcement to date. As of now, Lokesh Kanagaraj and Rathna Kumar are busy working on the script and screenplay, with reports suggesting the film could begin production sometime towards the end of the year.
Lokesh Kanagaraj and Rathna Kumar are teaming up once again after the stupendous success of Vikram starring Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupathi, Fahadh Faasil and Suriya, with the film also officially announcing the start of the Lokesh Cinematic Universe (LCU). Post their triumphant collaboration in Vikram, both Lokesh and Rathna will be looking to carry forward the same momentum onto Vijay’s Thalapathy 67 next.