National Award-winning Tamil filmmaker Vetri Maaran's next big film, Viduthalai, a two-parter, produced by Elred Kumar's RS Infotainment banner, will have its first installment open in cinemas on March 31, and is adapted from a short story titled Thunaivan written by acclaimed Tamil writer Jeyamohan. Featuring music composed by 'Isaignani' Ilaiyaraaja, the upcoming film stars Soori in the lead role as a police constable, while 'Makkal Selvan' Vijay Sethupathi will be appearing as a revolutionary and leading a separatist group in an extended cameo. Jeyamohan, who has previously been associated with Tamil films like Sarkar, 2.0, Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu, and Ponniyin Selvan, sat down for an exclusive interview with Galatta to speak about how he developed Vijay Sethupathi's character Perumal "Vaathiyaar" in Viduthalai: Part 1.
- Vetri Maaran's Viduthalai Part: 1 ready for release - Runtime and censor cuts revealed! Full details here!
- Intriguing new GLIMPSE from Vetri Maaran's Viduthalai - Action-packed making video out! WATCH IT HERE!
- EXCITING: New glimpse of Vetri Maaran's Viduthalai: Part 1 - Check out the action-packed making video here!
- EXCLUSIVE: Soori reveals Vijay Sethupathi and Sivakarthikeyan's reactions after landing hero role in Viduthalai - WATCH VIDEO!
Jeyamohan explained, "(That character) is based on a person I know. The character was developed based on him and another person from Kerala. The former's character and the latter's life is what he (Vaathiyaar) is based on. There are two things here: the Naxalites who truly believed in the cause of revolution and believed it would happen here. They weren't like today's Naxalites who read books and venture into the battle zone. They don't simply fight with words. They truly believed in the cause. They had an innocence. They were amongst the people. The people never thought them as others. They weren't from some far off place. The second is, I've made an attempt to write a story based on their lives. It's a strong character and not a cameo role. As a matter of fact, he is the protagonist from another perspective. If there are two people, both of them are protagonists on an equal level."
Speaking about Vijay Sethupathi, Jeyamohan said, "He always chooses his roles wisely. He's appeared in small roles in good capacity. Above all, the director plays a big role in an actor choosing a role to act. Had this not been done by Vetri Maaran, Vijay Sethupathi might not have done this role. So, Vetri Maaran called him and he acted. If Vetri Maaran calls, superstars might also come and act. They will have a belief in the director."
Watch writer Jeyamohan talk about Vetri Maaran's Viduthalai: Part 1 and more in the interview below: