Naai Sekar Returns is an upcoming crime comedy film written and directed by Suraaj. Produced by Subaskaran Allirajah, the film stars Vadivelu, who will be making his big comeback to the industry after 5 years having been last seen in Atlee's Mersal way back in 2017. The film's music is composed by Santhosh Narayanan in his first collaboration with both Vadivelu and Suraaj. The film is a spinoff of one of Vadivelu's iconic characters in Suraj's 2006 film Thalai Nagaram. This essentially means he will be seeing a character that he played 16 years ago. This will definitely be very interesting to witness and we cannot wait!
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The recent update regarding the film is that the shooting for the film has been moving forward very rapidly at a fast pace. After wrapping up a shooting schedule in London, the team headed to Mysore for their second schedule since the third wave of the pandemic ended. The shoot in this schedule was joined by Shivani Narayanan, who has been roped in to play a pivotal role opposite Vadivelu. The film had shot major portions of the film in the Mysore Palace during this schedule.
The team has now announced that the second schedule has also been wrapped up and can expect the third shoot schedule to be commencing soon. The film's production house shared a picture comprising of the entire cast and crew members including Vadivelu, his team of actors, artists and technicians, who cheerfully posed for the photo. The remaining shooting schedule will resume as per plan after a short break.
It has been reported that Vadivelu will not only be acting in the movie but will be singing for it as well as a playback singer. The multitalented actor has already sung some well known songs such as 'Ettana Iruntha', 'Vaadi Potta Pulla' and 'Sandhana Malligayil'. Santhosh Narayanan revealed that Vadivelu is now going to sing a rap song for the first time.