Actor Vijay endearingly called as 'Thalapathy' has a massive die-hard fan base that release of his films is celebrated like a festival in theatres. The actor was recently seen in the Tamil-Telugu bilingual film Varisu which was directed by Vamsi Paidipalli and became a blockbuster hit. The upcoming film of the actor is Leo and the first schedule of shooting for the movie wrapped up a few weeks ago. The film is directed by the hit filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj and it has created huge anticipation among fans and movie buffs as this is the second collaboration between the director and the actor after Master. The movie is also the reunion of Trisha and Vijay as on-screen pair after over a decade.
- One more huge release for Ayudha pooja announced - a big competitor for 'Thalapathy' Vijay's Leo!
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- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: "I want to work with 'Thalapathy' Vijay" - Gayathri Raguram reveals! Check out the interesting interview!
The actor has done sweet gesture that shows his humble character. Recently, Video of a kid asking if Actor Vijay will come and meet her went viral on social media. Now, A video has been shared on social media showing the kid speaking to 'Thalapathy' Vijay in a video call. The general secretary of Thalapathy Makkal Iyakkam has shared the video saying the star spoke to the kid and her family through a video call. The video shows the actor asking the name of the small kid and the girl replying shyly with her father holding her. It also shows Vijay speaking to the kid saying you are cute as she replies back with her father helping her. The actor goes on to have a small conversation with the girl asking why she has short hair, if she ate, what she had for breakfast and the kid replying to him. He also had a small talks with the parents of the kid enquiring where they live and so on. Before ending the call, the kid and the actor also exchanged the trendsetting Varisu-style blow kiss. The Video that has now become viral on social media has won many hearts on social media.
சற்றுமுன் பல்லாவரத்தைச் சேர்ந்த குழந்தை தளபதி @actorvijay அவர்களை என்னைப் பார்க்க வருமாறு இணையத்தில் வைரலான வீடியோவை உடனடியாக தளபதி அவர்களின் கவனத்திற்கு கொண்டு செல்லப்பட்டு,குழந்தை மற்றும் அவரது குடும்பத்தினருடன் வீடியோ கால் மூலம் பேசி குழந்தையின் நலம் விசாரித்தார்.!@TVMIoffl…
— Bussy Anand (@BussyAnand) March 31, 2023