An unverified Twitter profile in the name of Jason Sanjay, son of Thalapathy Vijay, has been actively posting tweets and some of the tweets have been about the star actor's upcoming film, Varisu. That being said, Vijay's official PR Manager, Riaz K Ahmed, has made an important clarification, stating that Jason Sanjay is not available on any social media platform. The fans and the Tamil audiences have been requested not to be falsely guided by the unverified profiles. The official clarification statement from Vijay's side reads, "Dear All, This is to inform you that #ThalapathyVijay's son #JasonSanjay is not there on any social media! Therefore, I request you to not encourage/publicise fake accounts. Thank You! @actorvijay".

Vijay and Sangeetha are parents to two children - a daughter named Divya and a son, Jason Sanjay. Thalapathy Vijay is currently busy shooting for his next film, Varisu which has got high expectations among the fans. Varisu will be a Tamil - Telugu bilingual that is directed by Vamshi Paidipally of Thozha and Maharshi fame, while the music is composed by the National award winning composer, S Thaman. Produced by Dil Raju under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations, the film features Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead while the supporting cast includes the likes of Prakash Raj, Sarath Kumar, Prabhu Khushbu Sundar, Yogi Babu, Shaam, Srikanth, Sangitha Krish, Ganesh Venkatram, and others.

Kharthik Palani of Adipurush fame is handling the cinematography of this Vijay starrer that has editing by Praveen KL and dialogues penned by Vivek. The dance choreography is taken care of by Shobi Master and Jani Master. Varisu is scheduled to hit the screens for the festive occasion of Pongal in January 2023. The shooting of the film is currently happening in Hyderabad. Following the completion of Varisu, Vijay will be teaming up with his Master director Lokesh Kanagaraj for Thalapathy 67.