'Thalapathy' Vijay has hit the high note once again and this time minutes after joining the photo and video sharing social networking service Instagram. The Tamil actor has created a new record by becoming the quickest celebrity in India to gain 1 million followers on Instagram in less than two hours of coming on board the social networking site. Furthermore, Vijay is also now the first and fastest Indian personality in the world to achieve this feat behind V, the South Korean singer superstar and member of the boy band BTS, who reached the numbers in 53 minutes, while Academy Award-winning American actress Angelina Jolie hit the mark in 59 minutes. Vijay now also holds the record for becoming the first Tamil actor to register the fastest one million likes for a photo on Instagram in 104 minutes (first ever post) and is the second celebrity in India after Allu Arjun, whose picture received a similar response in 78 minutes.
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The news of Vijay's entry in Instagram had come as a huge surprise to fans, who had been waiting for a long time to see him on the social networking platform. The stellar response to his arrival on the photo and video sharing platform has once again shown the massive star power he carries and the appeal he draws among audiences. Vijay announced his entry in Instagram with a new photo of himself from the sets of his next big film, LEO, in Kashmir, where filming on a big schedule had wrapped up recently. Posting the picture in which he can be seen in a white shirt and a black blazer along with black sunglasses, Vijay addressed fans in his Instagram caption and wrote, "Hello Nanbas and Nanbis 😊". Check out Vijay's first Instagram post below:
The absolute domination of Vijay on the social media front will no doubt come as a big boost to the actor, his fans and the production team of LEO, who will be looking at the latest stellar response and also hope for a similar outcome when their film arrives in cinemas later this year on October 19 ahead of the Ayudha pooja celebrations. Being directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj under Lalit Kumar's 7 Screen Studio banner, the gangster action thriller film has Vijay paired with Trisha once again after 14 years, while Sanjay Dutt, Arjun, Gautham Menon, Mysskin, Priya Anand, Mathew Thomas, choreographer Sandy master among others will appear in key roles, with music by Anirudh Ravichander.