'Thalapathy' Vijay's Beast trailer is the talk of the town and has received an electrifying response from fans everywhere, who have been singing praises at the various aspects that have been teased from the film. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar under the prestigious Sun Pictures banner and featuring music by 'Rockstar' Anirudh Ravichander, the visuals from the upcoming mass action thriller have left fans stunned, with the technical aspects as well coming to the forefront. In that light, editor R. Nirmal, who was a part of Nelson's earlier ventures, Kolamaavu Kokila starring Nayanthara and Doctor with Sivakarthikeyan, has now in an exclusive interview with Galatta shared new details that went into the editing of the Beast trailer, while also revealing more interesting aspects about the film.
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During the interview, Nirmal revealed that 5 different versions were edited initially for the Beast trailer. He stated, "The team had only two days' time for the final version to be locked. If this wouldn't have gotten the nod, the trailer would not have been released and such was the tight-corner position we were in. So, we sat down for work that one night and made the final version based on the earlier trailers that had been edited. It was only after that we showed the trailer to everyone." Addressing the opinions on social media that the Beast trailer had revealed too much, Nirmal gave an assurance saying, "We have shown only a little in these visuals and it will be extremely different when you watch the whole movie and 10 times a bigger experience. Nelson was particularly clear about not misleading the people with the trailer and bringing them to watch the film. And, based on that, he would give me inputs." Speaking about one scene in the Beast that will be a major highlight in the film, Nirmal said, "There's a sequence between Vijay and the terrorists where a police shield comes into play. As shown in the trailer when the song is playing, it will be an 'explosion on the big screen' ".
Vijay's Beast is set to open in theatres on April 13 and has the superstar paired with national sensation Pooja Hegde. The film's supporting cast includes Selvaraghavan, Yogi Babu, Redin Kingsley, Bjorn Surrao, VTV Ganesh, Aparna Das, Shine Tom Chacko, Liliput Faruqui, Ankur Ajit Vikal among others, with the technical team featuring names like cinematographer Manoj Paramahamsa, art director D.R.K. Kiran, costume design by V. Sai and Pallavi Singh, choreography by Jani master, and stunts by the AnbAriv duo.
Watch editor R. Nirmal talk about the Beast trailer and more in the video below: