National Award-winning Tamil actor Suriya inaugurated blockbuster director Hari and his wife Pritha Hari's Good Luck Studios in Chennai on Sunday, April 2. The inauguration ceremony of the studio at Virugambakkam also saw the Honorable Speaker of Tamil Nadu Assembly Thiru. Appavu, Minister of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department Thiru. P. K. Sekar Babu, and Minister for Fisheries-Fishermen Welfare & Animal Husbandry Anitha R. Radhakrishnan and several other prominent personalities grace the grand occasion.
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Photos and videos of the launch of Hari and Pritha's Good Luck Studios have taken social media by storm, with Suriya being seen in a traditional avatar in a light pink-violet short and a white veshti making a grand entry and lighting the lamp signaling the launch of the facility. The actor was also seen interacting with veteran actor Vijayakumar, father of Pritha and father-in-law of Hari, while also posing for photos with the Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker Appavu and ministers P. K. Sekar Babu and Anitha R. Radhakrishnan.
Suriya and Hari have been a blockbuster combo collaborating in some of the biggest box office hits like Aaru (2005), Vel (2007), Singam (2010), Singam II (2013), and Si3 (2017). Fans have been hoping for the duo to reunite for the much talked about fourth installment in the Singam franchise, with reports a while back also doing the rounds that they would join hands for a film titled Aruvaa, which is yet to be officially confirmed. Hari's last big film was Yaanai released in 2022 starring Arun Vijay and Priya Bhavani Shankar in the lead roles and an announcement is awaited regarding his next venture. Suriya, on the other hand, is currently filming the highly-anticipated Suriya 42 under hit filmmaker Siva's direction, after which he will team up acclaimed Tamil director Vetri Maaran for their mammoth film, Vaadivaasal.