Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan and Superstar Rajinikanth go back a long way. From co-starring in films such as Hum and Geraftaar to inaugurating film festivals together, they have always treated us the fans to some of the most unforgettable moments. They not only show their mutual love and respect for one another in real life but on social media as well. Earlier today, the Enthiran actor sent his wishes to Big B for his big 80th through his official Twitter handle.
He wrote, "The legend.. someone who has inspired me always… the one true sensation and superhero of our glorious Indian film fraternity enters 80 .. happy birthday my dearest and most respected @SrBachchan Amitabh ji .. with lots of love and best regards always ❤️🙏🏻 ". Check it out:
The legend.. someone who has inspired me always… the one true sensation and superhero of our glorious Indian film fraternity enters 80 .. happy birthday my dearest and most respected @SrBachchan Amitabh ji .. with lots of love and best regards always ❤️🙏🏻
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) October 11, 2022
Bachchan Sr. turned 80 out of which he has spent 33 years as an actor after having started his film career way back in 1969. Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth have worked together in the 80s in films such as Andhaa Kaanoon and Geraftaar. A few years later, the duo collaborated again for Mukul S Anand's 1991 smash hit film Hum. As a result, both Titans of cinema won the hearts of audiences with their performances as siblings in the movie that co-starred Govinda, Anupam Kher, Kimi Katkar and Deepa Sahi.
The even worked together in a short film titled 'Family' to spread awareness about the disease. This was shot during the initial phase of the pesky coronavirus pandemic. The stars have also worked in remakes of each other's films such as Shankar Saleem Simon-Amar Akbar Anthony and Billa-Don. Both Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth have also received India's highest film honour , the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, a year apart for their contributions to Indian cinema.