'Superstar' Rajinikanth's next big film appearance will be in the newly-launched Lal Salaam, which is being directed by his elder daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth. A grand launch ceremony held in Chennai on Saturday, November 5, had the iconic actor and his daughter-filmmaker grace the occasion, with Lyca Productions' Subaskaran Allirajah also leading the proceedings. Photos and visuals from the Lal Salaam pooja ceremony have now been released by Lyca Productions and also show the lead stars of the venture, Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth, participating in the film's launch. Check out the Lal Salaam pooja and launch ceremony photos below:
Stills 📸 from #LalSalaam 🫡 movie pooja 🌸 happened today at Chennai 📍@rajinikanth #Subaskaran @arrahman @ash_rajinikanth @TheVishnuVishal @vikranth_offl @gkmtamilkumaran @RIAZtheboss pic.twitter.com/MemPL0TXcn
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) November 5, 2022
Stills 📸 from #LalSalaam 🫡 movie pooja 🌸 happened today at Chennai 📍@rajinikanth #Subaskaran @arrahman @ash_rajinikanth @TheVishnuVishal @vikranth_offl @gkmtamilkumaran @RIAZtheboss pic.twitter.com/pvXMJLyWbk
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) November 5, 2022
Stills 📸 from #LalSalaam 🫡 movie pooja 🌸 happened today at Chennai 📍@rajinikanth #Subaskaran @arrahman @ash_rajinikanth @TheVishnuVishal @vikranth_offl @gkmtamilkumaran @RIAZtheboss pic.twitter.com/G4HlNpxfuS
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) November 5, 2022
A special video of the Lal Salaam launch event has also been released on social media by the film's PRO Riaz K Ahmed and shows Rajinikanth doing the honors for the title reveal, with Aishwarya Rajinikanth, Subaskaran Allirajah, Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth, among others delivering huge applause. The upcoming project is a cricket-based film and an announcement poster released earlier this morning showed a batsman's helmet burning amidst the backdrop of a riot. Rajinikanth will be seen making a special appearance in Lal Salaam and this is the first time the star actor will be acting under Aishwarya Rajinikanth's direction after he previously played the lead in his younger daughter Soundarya Rajinkanth's 3D animated action film, Kochadaiiyaan, released in 2014. Below is the Lal Salaam title reveal event video:
#Superstar @rajinikanth#LalSalaam
— RIAZ K AHMED (@RIAZtheboss) November 5, 2022
An @ash_rajinikanth Directional 🎬
An @arrahman Musical 🎼
@LycaProductions@TheVishnuVishal @vikranth_offl@gkmtamilkumaran @DOP_VishnuR@RamuThangraj @BPravinBaaskar @PoornimaRamasw1 @ParasRiazAhmed1@V4umedia_ @kabilanchelliah pic.twitter.com/51j8CSo2nG
Lal Salaam has been announced to release in cinemas worldwide in 2023 and is Aishwarya Rajinikanth's fourth directorial after she made films like 3 (2012), Vai Raja Vai (2015), and the documentary Cinema Veeran (2017). Featuring music by Academy Award-winning composer A. R. Rahman, the film also marks the third occasion Rajinikanth is working in a Lyca Productions venture after 2.0 (2018) and Darbar (2020), with a lot of buzz circulating that the actor will headline another film for the blockbuster banner soon. Apart from his cameo appearance in Lal Salaam, Rajinikanth will be seen next in the highly-anticipated Jailer, which is being directed by Nelson Dilipkumar of Beast fame under the Sun Pictures banner, and the film is expected to come out in theatres in the first half of 2023.