The Super Mario Bros. Movie is an upcoming animated adventure comedy film produced under the banner of Illumination in association with Nintendo. It is the third feature film adaptation of Nintendo's Mario video game franchise, following the 1986 anime film Super Mario Bros.: The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach! and the 1993 Hollywood live-action film Super Mario Bros. Now, a massive update has come up regarding the upcoming movie.
The makers of the film have released the first official teaser trailer of the film. The 2 minutes and 27 seconds trailer opens with a dark and bombastic vibe featuring Bowser, or King Koopa as he lands in a fiery, rocky ship on an icy nightscape belonging to the penguins. When King Koopa reaches the floating golden invincibility star with little black eyes, that is the moment when the teaser makes a direct reference to the original 1985 game that started the franchise, one of the most successful in all of gaming.
The next scene in the clip cuts to a much more direct homage to the game as it shows the titular mustachioed Italian plumber as he lands out of a green pipe into the lush and sunny Mushroom Kingdom that connoisseurs will remember from Level 1 in the first game from 1985. This is also when the game’s memorable music is finally heard, albeit briefly. The trailer ends with a glimpse of Luigi running for his life to safety.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie boasts a stellar ensemble voice cast comprising of Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Day, Jack Black, Keegan-Michael Key, Seth Rogen, Fred Armisen, Sebastian Maniscalco, Charles Martinet, and Kevin Michael Richardson. The film has been scheduled to be released theatrically next year on 7 April 2023.
Check out the trailer here:
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07/10/2022 11:55 AM