Leading Tamil actor Silambarasan TR surprised fans on Tuesday evening by sharing a photo of himself from his childhood alongside his father T. Rajendar, who is undergoing advanced medical treatment for his health complications in the U.S. The Maanaadu star posted a picture from the 1984 film, Uravai Kaatha Kili, which saw him make his debut as a child artiste, and was directed by T. Rajendar. Sharing the image, Simbu added a white heart emoji in the caption, with fans since then sending their love and wishes to the actor and his father after the duo recently appeared together along with Usha Rajendar in a picture, which has since gone viral on social media. Check out below STR's tweet:
— Silambarasan TR (@SilambarasanTR_) July 5, 2022
On May 23, STR issued a press release about his father T. Rajendar undergoing treatment abroad. His statement read, "Greetings to my beloved fans and friends from the press and media. We rushed our father to a private hospital after he complained of chest pain recently. After the medical examination, the Doctors informed us that there has been bleeding in his stomach and advised us to take him to a foreign country to provide better medical facilities. Upon their advice, we are taking him (T Rajendar) abroad for advanced medical treatment. He is doing completely fine and is in good consciousness. After undergoing the surgery successfully with good health, he will meet all of you. Heartfelt thanks for all your prayers and love."
On the work front, Silambarasan will be seen in an extended cameo as a pilot in the Hansika-starrer Maha releasing in theatres on July 22. The flamboyant actor's next biggie, Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu, directed by Gautham Menon and featuring music by Academy Award-winning composer A. R. Rahman, has been announced to open in cinemas worldwide on September 15 and has fans mighty excited as it marks the trio's third-time collaboration after their Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa (2010) and Achcham Yenbadhu Madamaiyada (2016). Simbu will wrap up 2022 with the mass action gangster thriller Pathu Thala hitting screens on December 14 ahead of the Christmas holidays.