'Ulaganaayagan' Kamal Haasan's Raaj Kamal Films International has been collaborating with some leading talents in the Tamil film industry recently. Their 52nd project was announced in January 2022 to be with Sivakarthikeyan and the film was to be directed by Rajkumar Periyasamy after the hit film Rangoon. Now the production house shared a major update about the film tentatively titled SK21. The makers of SK21 have announced the national award winning composer G.V. Prakash Kumar will be the music director for the film. This will mark the first collaboration between the music composer and the actor Sivakarthikeyan. The announment also has a new caption for the film as it is titled SK21 Joining Forces.
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Welcome onboard @gvprakash for mission #SK21#Ulaganayagan #KamalHaasan #Sivakarthikeyan #SK21JoiningForces #RKFIProductionNo_51
@ikamalhaasan @Siva_Kartikeyan #Mahendran @Rajkumar_KP @gvprakash Sai_Pallavi92?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Sai_Pallavi92 @RKFI @ladasingh pic.twitter.com/FcXKff98jS— Raaj Kamal Films International (@RKFI) May 3, 2023
The production house of Kamal Haasan, Raaj Kamal Films International, has collaborated with Sony Pictures Films India for the project that is set to have Sai Pallavi playing the female lead. SK21 is speculated to be a project where Sivakarthikeyan is set to play the role of an Army man. Last month, the actor posted a video with the director in what looks like a gym set-up. The actor had also announced earlier that he is taking some time off from Twitter and shared that updated about his films will be shared by his team.
Sivakarthikeyan already has a massive line-up of films with the release day for two of his film already announced. Maaveeran, the upcoming release of the actor with Mandela fame director Madonne Ashwin is set to be released on 11 August 2023. The next film of the actor that is the sci-fi film Ayalaan helmed by R. Ravikumar is set to release in November. SK21 is speculated to be in the shooting process and he is expected to take up a new look in the film. As, the makers have now announced a major update about the film, it has created a huge excitement among fans.