Sivakarthikeyan has his hands full with multiple projects as an actor in director PS Mithran’s Hero, Sun Pictures’ SK 16 with director Pandiraj and Vignesh Shivan’s SK 17 under the Lyca Productions banner. He is also producing his third production venture, Vaazhl, under his Sivakarthikeyan Productions banner, which will be helmed by Aruvi fame director Arun Prabhu. In the midst of his busy schedule, Sivakarthikeyan had sung his first gaana song titled "Nee Engavena Kochikinu Po" in the upcoming Vaibhav starrer, Sixer, composed by Ghibran and has now been released.

Sixer Vaibhav <a href=Palak Lalwani" src="" style="width: 600px; height: 250px;" title="Sixer Vaibhav Palak Lalwani" />Sixer song Nee Engavenakochinkinu Po Sivakarthikeyan Vaibhav GhibranSixer song Nee Engavenakochinkinu Po Sivakarthikeyan Vaibhav Ghibran

Directed by Chachi, Sixer has Vaibhav as the lead and has already raked up quite a lot of interest due to its interesting storyline, which reportedly revolves around a colour-blind man and the incidents he faces in due course. The trailer released sometime back went on to become a hit among fans and has actress Palak Lalwani as the female lead with Sathish and Radha Ravi in supporting roles under the joint collaboration of Trident Arts and Wallmate Entertainment banners. "Nee Engavena Kochikinu" in Sixer isn't Sivakarthikeyan's first attempt at singing as he has sung many songs namely "Varuthapadatha Valibar Sangam" in Varuthapadatha Valibar Sangam, "Royapuram Peter" in Maan KarateKaaki Sattai"Vaayadi Petha Pulla" in Kanaa,"Kalakkalu Mr.Localu" in Mr. Local including the "Humpty Dumpty" song from Thumbaa most recently.

Sixer song Nee Engavenakochinkinu Po Sivakarthikeyan Vaibhav GhibranSivakarthikeyan Sixer Song Nee Engavenakochikinu po Vaibhav

Check out the "Nee Engavena Kochikinu Po" song from Sixer below: