Bollywood superstar Sanjay Dutt has joined the shooting of 'Thalapathy' Vijay's LEO in Kashmir, 7 Screen Studio announced on Saturday, March 11. The blockbuster production-distribution banner has released a video of the iconic Hindi actor arriving at the film's shooting spot along with his entourage, who are then received by Vijay himself, followed by director Lokesh Kanagaraj, producer Lalit Kumar, co-producer Jagadish Palanisamy, cinematographer Manoj Paramahamsa. The video shows them having a snack together on the LEO sets resembling a coffee shop/restaurant/bakery before the group poses for a photograph.
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LEO marks Sanjay Dutt's Tamil cinema debut and there has been massive excitement surrounding his casting in the film, which will see him playing the prime antagonist. The Bollywood actor expressed his excitement at being cast in the film in January and said, "When I heard the one-liner of Thalapathy 67, I knew in that exact moment I had to be a part of this film and I'm thrilled to start this journey." These first visuals of Sanjay Dutt and Vijay together on the LEO sets will no doubt create massive expectations among fans regarding their on-screen chemistry and rapport, and we can look forward to explosive action and fireworks when the duo appears on the big screen. Watch Sanjay Dutt arriving on the sets of Vijay's LEO in the tweet below:
Roll out the red carpet 🥳@duttsanjay sir has arrived in style to set the screen on fire 🔥
— Seven Screen Studio (@7screenstudio) March 11, 2023
Exclusive video venum nu keteengalame, engaluku keturchu 💣#Thalapathy @actorvijay sir @Dir_Lokesh @trishtrashers @anirudhofficial @Jagadishbliss#LEO 🔥
Sanjay Dutt is the latest to join the shooting of LEO after filmmaker Mysskin recently completed filming his portions alongside Vijay. It is also being stated that blockbuster director Gautham Vasudev Menon too has finished shooting for the film and is expected to issue a statement soon regarding his experience on the sets. Announced to open in cinemas as an Ayudha pooja release on October 19, LEO includes a massive ensemble cast featuring the likes of Trisha Krishnan as the female lead, followed by 'Action King' Arjun, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand, choreographer Sandy master, Malayalam actors Mathew Thomas and Babu Antony, while the film's music is being composed by Anirudh Ravichander, who is collaborating with Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj for the second time after their 2021 box office money-spinner, Master.