Saravanan Arul, known for his debut as an actor and producer in the movie, The Legend, has recently posted a picture on his official Twitter account that has garnered a lot of attention from the audience. The picture shows the actor in the scenic snowy region of Kashmir, and his caption has created a buzz among the audience. In his post, Legend Saravanan gave a hint that the wait is now almost over and that he has some exciting updates on the way. The actor's intriguing tweet has kept his followers in anticipation as to what the next surprise might be.
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The Wait is Nearing…
Interesting Updates in few dates…#Legend#TheLegend#LegendSaravanan— Legend Saravanan (@yoursthelegend) February 24, 2023
Earlier, Saravanan Arul posted a video to his official Twitter account. Arul recorded the video himself, and it features both a beautiful view of Kashmir and a peek inside his hotel room. His followers have been wondering why he is visiting Kashmir since he first revealed it in this video, and the intriguing updates that he recently hinted at on Twitter have further fueled the excitement.
Saravanan Arul is a well-known Indian businessman, actor, and producer. He gained fame through the advertisement videos of his retail franchise, Saravana Stores, where he appeared alongside popular Indian actresses Tamannaah and Hansika Motwani. He made his debut as an actor in the science fiction action movie, The Legend, which was produced under his own banner. The movie was written and directed by J.D. Jerry and released on July 28, 2022, in over 2500 theaters worldwide. The Legend marked Saravanan Arul's grand entry into the film industry and featured prominent actors such as Geethika Tiwary, Urvashi Rautela, Vivek, Suman, and Nassar. The film's music was composed by Harris Jayaraj, and the cinematography and editing were handled by R. Velraj and Ruben, respectively. Despite receiving mixed reviews, the film performed well at the box office.