An awards ceremony that set everyone talking, The Galatta Crown 2022, held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai on May 8, 2022, saw the biggest names in the entertainment industry from across the country grace the gala event among whom also included Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh, who delighted fans with his incredible energy that continues to be well-talked about to this date. The biggest digital awards ceremony of 2022 also witnessed leading names from South Indian and Tamil cinema among whom were Keerthy Suresh, Anirudh Ravichander, 'Lady Superstar' Nayanthara, Vignesh Shivan, Lokesh Kanagaraj, Sivakarthikeyan, Boney Kapoor, Nelson Dilipkumar, Priyanka Mohan, Arya, Sayyeshaa, SJ Suryah, Venkat Prabhu, Pa Ranjith, Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar, Kalyani Priyadarshan, Krithi Shetty, to name a notable few.
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In that light, Ranveer Singh, who was honored with the 'Game Changer of Indian Cinema' award at The Galatta Crown 2022 by blockbuster Tamil film director Lokesh Kanagaraj and Kalaignar TV's Karthik, expressed his joy at winning the accolade. During his acceptance speech, the Gully Boy star went on to reveal that he enjoyed 'Thalapathy' Vijay's Master directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, and said that it is one of his favorite films in recent times while adding that the 'Vaathi Coming' song had incredible energy. Ranveer further surprised fans with his own performance of the 'Vaathi Coming' song and expressed his joy for the recognition of the 'Game Changer of Indian Cinema' award at The Galatta Crown 2022 and said, "I have to say - this is a really nice trophy. I'm not a fan of those trophies that are light. This is very heavy. This is a proper trophy."
Asserting his feeling of happiness, Ranveer stated, "I really feel like I've won an award. 'Game Changer of Indian Cinema' award - that's a hefty title. Thank you so much to Galatta Media for honoring me this way. I just want to say that I'm grateful that I get to do what I love to do for a living. I love acting. I love entertaining people. And, I get a chance to do it and I'm very grateful for that. My mornings start with a prayer of gratitude every day. I just say, 'Thank you for putting me in a position where I get to do this, where I get to entertain people.' I feel like it's my calling and my life's purpose and I'll do it till my dying breath and I'll put every ounce of my energy, love, and heart into it. I promise you that. This is just the beginning. More and better movies are to come. And, these crossover collaborations that are happening between our cinemas, I hope more of it happens."
Sharing his happiness about his next big film, Ranveer Singh said, "I get to work with the Tamil filmmaker Shankar. I'm ever so excited to work with him." The 83 star then complimented National Award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh and showered praises on her for her memorable performance in Mahanati. Ranveer also conveyed his happiness at finally being able to meet Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan in person. The flamboyant actor next posed a query asking when he will get the chance to collaborate with 'Rockstar' composer Anirudh Ravichander. Ranveer asked, "When will I do a movie which will have the tagline, 'An Anirudh musical?'." He added, "Both of us are creative people. We're up all night. Both of us are nocturnal creatures. I'll come to Chennai and we'll jam, we'll make some rap music." We also see Ranveer Singh shake a leg to the 'Vaathi Coming' song from Master along with Keerthy Suresh, Anirudh Ravichander, who are joined by Krithi Shetty and Iniya towards the end.
Watch the exuberant Ranveer Singh perform to the 'Vaathi Coming' song at The Galatta Crown 2022 in the video below: