Ajith Kumar is one of the top-tier actors in the Tamil film industry. His recent film was Thunivu which was helmed by H. Vinoth and was released in theatres in January. An update about his next film AK62 that has been long awaited by fans was released earlier this week. The film is titled VidaaMuyarchi and is to be directed by Magizh Thirumeni. It has created a huge buzz among fans and movie buffs.
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- EXCLUSIVE: "Ajith Kumar's AK62 not delayed" - Well-known producer Dhananjayan shares massive update! WATCH VIDEO!
Producer G. Dhananjayan is a well-known person in the entertainment industry who is an insider and the founder of the BOFTA Film Institute. The producer gave an exclusive new interview to Galatta Media and shared some exciting details about upcoming films and movies that were released recently. When asked about the title of Ajith Kumar's Vidaamurachi. The producer said "I liked that title very much. It is a very important title, especially for the cinema industry. Because, only a few people can win easily here. Everyone will be going through struggles. That is, about 95% of the people will be struggling, for them VidaaMuyarchi is the only motivation. They must keep trying in hopes of winning some day. That is what 95% of the people in the film industry are doing. Ajith sir is also an example of it. For 5% of people, everything will come to their hand on a silver platter. The situation or luck would have been favourable to them. But, the rest 95% of them will be struggling and keep trying (Vidaamuyarchi) in hopes that a door will open one day for them to become famous. We must thank Ajith sir for picking a motivational title like VidaaMuyarchi."
Dhananjayan said director of VidaaMuyarchi, Magizh Thirumeni, will surely give an action film that will also be sensible. It will not be an average film but, will be a cult classic mounted on a massive budget, said the producer. Watch the full interview here: